What is your why?
Changing Narratives specializes in crafting stories around authentic and sustainable travel experiences. We help hotels and experiences in India and Nepal tell their stories, offering a unique perspective on responsible tourism.
Changing Narratives specializes in crafting stories around authentic and sustainable travel experiences. We help hotels and experiences in India and Nepal tell their stories, offering a unique perspective on responsible tourism.
Take a look at these pictures. These are all recent images of the ancient landscape of Bera in Rajasthan, where 850-million-year-old granite outcrops pierce the sky, as part of an extraordinary tale of coexistence that has played out for centuries. Here, the Rabari people – traditional pastoralists who believe they
Pre-social media, there were dinner party destinations. Places people traveled to seemingly just so they could drop the name at the next gathering. Back in the early 2000’s, when I was managing a luxury tour company in London, people would call and tell me they wanted to go to Bhutan.
How do you cope, in these days of gross over tourism, with promoting fabulous new destinations that you discover and want to shout to the world about, but don’t want to see go the same way? I now see destinations I visited some 20-25 years ago which were extraordinary and
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